Just when we thought it was over for our superheros, they managed to find some cash.
How great it would be if cash would instantly turn into oxy, but finding the money is only the first in a long series of steps to pain relief in the black market.
I remember watching a movie called Candy, which was about a boyfriend and girlfriend hooked on heroine, or some type type. At a early point in the movie, the narrator says something like "for every 7 years as a junkie, 6 years are spent waiting," and how true how true how true that is.
I made the calls to my sources, and being 10:30 am, only one was awake. I was told to be there in ten minutes. The ten turned into twenty, then an hour and as usual, just as I was about to give up and go home, the delivery arrived.
After waiting for so many hours, the last ten minutes, driving home with my oxy 80 (referred to as "apples" on the street), seemed to be the longest ten minutes of my life.
And just in time too. No sooner did I take in half the Apple, did the stomach cramps begin with a vengeance, as I ran to the bathroom to flush out every ounce of substance from my bowels.
Cramps and the runs seem to be the most common symptom of withdrawal, and it took about 20 hours after my last pill to start. THis is the longest I ahve gone without a pill in 17 months.
Other symptoms I experienced through the night is insomnia and what is knows as restless leg syndrom.
If I could have slept the night away, it would ahve been easier. If I had something that would knock me out - Valium, Cough and Cold DM, or even some sleepeaze - then the night would have been bearable. But the insomnia forced me to stay awake throught the night while my restless legs made sure that I was quite uncomfortable - tossing, turning and kicking - all night long.
Restless legs, jimmy legs, kicking legs are not necessarily painful, but are very uncomfortable. It starts as a sensation in the lower back that makes you feel like you want to stretch your back and legs all the time. This sensation and desire to stretch makes your legs twitch and kick around.
This is the first symptom an the only way to get relief is to sleep it off, eat Tylenol 1's and apply heat. I had no Tylenol, so I ate my Robax and the maximum allowable anti-inflamm's. I put the heating pad on max, and snuggled up to my pillow, stretching, tensing,relaxing my legs and back until I fell into a light nap. How I would have loved some Valium, and I must remember to hide some for days like these.
I managed to doze off for a hour here and there until 10:30 am.
So with Saturday properly medicated, I now have 58 hours until I can refill my prescription.
Without Prejudice. The posts in this blog are only my opinion, and should not replace or be considered that of a qualified physician. Brand names that are commented on are not meant to disrespect of be defamatory in any sense. The posts in this blog are only based on my personal experience under a doctor monitored and regulated use of opiates as an effective treatment for chronic pain.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
And Then I Saw Green
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